I first met and photographed Zsolt when he first moved to the United States from Hungary. And recently he wanted some photographs he could use to promote his music but also have some updated photos for his online profiles on sites like Facebook. Who couldn’t use more recent photographs?
I always like to ask someone what kind of location they would want. Do they want some thing urban and downtown, or outdoors and in the mountains, or something like a park? Zsolt said he wanted something like a park. So I suggested the International Peace Gardens because it is sorta awesome for portraits. You have a lot of variety in one spot. In fact while we were there we bumped into several photographers with their clients. I’m sure we have something different and unique because I was the only one with my portable lighting kit.
Zsolt brought 2 different bass guitars and we would photograph with both or none at all.
And I always allow as many wardrobe changes as you can manage in the time we allot for photos. Zsolt changed in the car and as I always say, if you get caught, it’s all your fault. Someday I might pick up a personal changing tent but that can be a lot of gear and I am already carrying a lighting kit, lenses, and a camera. But a portable tent might be something to look into.
And this is my favorite photograph of the night. The sunset just started and and then exploded into orange. I ran into position so I was ready for the light to change. He looks very masculine and ready to rock with the bass guitar.
Rock on, Wayne! Rock on, Garth!