I’m back from northern California, and I already want to go back! I was able to spend some time with friends and relax and tour Google and a few other locations. I was most excited to visit San Francisco. I could spend days just walking the streets and photographing. I love the city!
I didn’t realize the Bay Bridge had a light show at night. It was really beautiful. During the day, the color of the Golden Gate bridge is just beautiful, but for night photography, the Bay Bridge is really cool. I am planning on creating a print of each and I’ll be selling some prints of both bridges.
And since these photographs were longer exposures it gave me some time to create a behind the scenes look of my big camera on the tripod. I didn’t use the tripod as much this time. It is a good thing I brought it though, it is the best way to get a bridge shot at night and get the silky look to the water.
A lot of my photography will just be used as part of my Photoshop composites. I already have some ideas for some models and the streets of San Francisco. Should be pretty cool.