I hired an assistant for this family photo shoot. It was that big of a shoot. We picked the BYU duck pond which is located at the south part of the campus on the lower level… well, the middle level. There are some terraced grassy knolls and a few mini water falls. I had my portable lighting kit that worked great with the number of family members.
We photographed the large group in two spots. That is a challenge in an of itself. I spend a bit of time behind the computer in Photoshop swapping heads so this can be twice as much work. And hopefully people aren’t moving too much I have to paint in limbs, shirts, and more if people get rowdy, lol.
We take a bunch of each photograph to make the head swapping possible. Getting the right light is critical to the success of a family portrait. And we always shoot the big family first. We can then break off and get grandkids, family units, and individual family portraits.
Each family picked a spot that they liked the best. Some families picked two or three spots. We have to balance time with this. Evenings work great but it does give a ticking time clock. But even as it gets dark, the lights and modern cameras can help create quality portraits.
And it was handy having an assistant. She held the light, wrangled kids, and held a diffuser if there was some harsh sunlight ruining a shot.
Provo has a number of hidden spots for photography and I’ll have to use the duck pond again soon!