A number of photographers, models, and makeup artists pooled their time and resources and practiced their skills at a Salt Lake City parking garage on a Sunday afternoon. The lighting was unique because their was a huge forest fire burning out of control in the valley. So the sun was somewhat covered and the light was a yellowish hue. It almost felt like a planet in the Star Trek universe.
The photographers were practicing with their lighting using techniques that are nicknamed “strobist” techniques. My friend Brian brought his big lights and an electric generator so we could make some models famous.
Each model has a unique personality. Some know what they want to do and have some wonderful poses to work with. Other models want a little more direction from the photographer. Combine that with different looks and different photographers you are going to find some unique images across the board.
In exchange for their time the models received copies of the images for use in their portfolio. One model mentioned she was leaving soon to New York City, so good luck with your future career. I had a fun time working with you.
And a great makeup artist is worth their weight in gold. Laa was one who volunteered for this shoot and she had some unique eye designs for the models. Pretty talented.