I’ll be the first to admit, I’m not a chef. I rarely cook and when I do, it’s simple. But I love photography and I love photographing food. I had the opportunity to meetup with the folks at pictureline to attend a food photography workshop. They had a slew of food photographers, a food stylist, props, lighting from Profoto, and tasty food from Red Iquana.

I always feel like I have to up my photography when I hang out with other photographers. It can be really easy to take the exact same photo as everyone else. But even with the same food, same lighting, and same time limit… the photos really do turn out different. Everyone has a different “eye.” And that is something that isn’t easy to teach.

The goal of food photography is to make the viewer hungry. Enough to leave their home and drive to Salt Lake and wait an hour for the best Mexican food in Utah. With Mexican food, you want to capture the color, texture, and unique ingredients.
I also love aerial shots. Those are with the camera look straight down on the food. Although the following angle works as well, because that is how people look at the food.

I’ve had fun with Mexican food photography. My biggest food photography assignment was a burrito cookbook.
Now I’m off to go edit some photos. We’ll see if I can blog again soon!