Flashback to an Old Photo Shoot for a Powerpoint Presentation

by dav.d

This is a flashback to an old mini-photo shoot from 2010. I don’t know if I ever shared these photos and so here they are!

A coworker was preparing a presentation on an energy supplement and wanted some humorous photographs to illustrate people’e reliance on energy drinks and caffeine. We had two coworkers volunteer to be a model. We would feature them in a state of before and after. Energy drinks and coffee will give you a boost and then you crash later on. So the photos can be used to show a before, after, and after!

Crashing without energy

Crashing without energy

We photographed in the office of one of the directors. We had some popular energy drinks and a coffee mug on hand. We planned ahead so I brought my portable lighting kit. Day to day I have at least one camera with me but I often leave the portable lighting kit at home unless I know I need it or have an official photo shoot.

Popular energy drinks

Popular energy drinks

Office lighting can be pretty unflattering. All the fluorescent lighting overhead can create raccoon eyed shadows on people. My portable lighting can work with and correct the lighting so people and places look their best. It is a style I have worked on for several years and people come away from my photo shoots looking great!

Life is a mess without energy

Life is a mess without energy

The fun part of photography, you never know what project needs you. It is different constantly.

Energy to work

Energy to work

Relying on energy drinks

Relying on energy drinks

After an energy drink, you're ready for the day

After an energy drink, you’re ready for the day

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dav.d photo
dav.d is a portrait photographer based in Utah.