Most photographers HATE having their photograph taken. There is a reason they like to be behind the camera. I think most people hate having their photo taken. Me? I don’t mind it in fact I often jump at the chance. Hey, it is a chance for a free photo sometimes!
And I figured I would share some photos of me as a photographer and one thing you will notice I change my hair quite a bit. I get bored with my hair and I do everything from mohawks, to long, to short, to curly (naturally curly I might add), and even color it.
How can a photographer relate to the client who is nervous about being in front of the camera if they won’t be in front of the camera themselves? I have been in stock photo shoots in a wedding dress, a zombie, a dead body, a grieving husband at a funeral, and more. It is a lot of fun, or it should be.
So yes, I understand the fear of standing in front of the camera and wondering what my body looks like. Right now I have 60 pounds of weight to lose before my ideal body weight is achieved but I still stand in front of the camera, because what happens if I never lose that weight? Seize the day and have your photograph created! If you do lose weight you can always have another photo shoot. In fact, then you can have a before and after photo!
And get out of the house and go do something fun where cameras are all around. Go to the Holi Color Festival and get painted up by strangers. There are a ton of photographers who will try and make you famous.
I do love to hang with my photographer friends. I take their photo and then I hand them my camera and yell “work for hire” and ask them to photograph me. Yelling work for hire erases any claim over copyright, at least that is what I tell myself.
And always volunteer to be a test subject. You might end up with some fun photographs like this photo of me in front of Delicate Arch in Moab. Wheee!
And now I have a ton of photographs for Facebook profiles and for my own website or marketing. But now I should stop blogging and go hit the gym. I gotta lose my summer weight and be in shape for spring! Just in time for another photo shoot. Woo hoo!