Everyone needs professional headshots. Typically is is realtors who are needing my services and usually we photograph in studio against 3 different backgrounds. However, in this case I was hired by Cendera Funding to create professional headshots at a party celebrating the opening of a new Cendera Funding building in Utah. And each person received a retouched photograph as well. I do a great job at retouching by the way.
I brought my portable lighting setup and we found a wall with a decent paint job on it for the background. It was a fun evening and hopefully I made everyone famous!
For most photo shoots for headshots I will photograph the subject and then provide a private gallery where they can select their favorite photo(s). They then let me know which photograph they want touched up. I always check to see how much retouching they want. A good way to do that is to ask them if they want to look like a particular magazine. If they want all lines and wrinkles removed, or just softened. Everyone is different and they all want different levels. And don’t worry, I will never tell you what I did to a particular photograph. It’s best if somethings are left unsaid. I retouch myself at times!