Autumn Family Photos at Wheeler Farm

by dav.d

Wheeler Farm can be a popular location for family photography. This can be more true during autumn leaf season. It’s a great idea to go during the week, because weekends are always popular. And with farm equipment, antique trucks, barns, ponds, and a view of the mountains… it’s a great location.

Family photo with a classic truck on a farm
Wheeler Farm has some cool antique trucks

The kids are twins. And little sister took a little while to warm up to the stranger with a camera. We did get some smiling photos. But even if a child never smiles, we’re capturing their personality. We’re creating memories that will last forever.

Baby girl smiles for the camera while sitting on an antique truck
Baby girl smiles for the camera while sitting on an antique truck
Brother and sister on an antique truck
Brother and sister on an antique truck

Wheeler Farm has so many different locations to use for the perfect photos. This old and knotted tree is a favorite. People can sit on it. We can layer people up and around the tree. It’s awesome. And with my portable lighting kit, people look amazing. We want you to look your best.

Family portrait on an knotted tree
Family portrait on an knotted tree

And parents are just off the camera’s view ready in case a kid wants to go flying. We want the photo, but we want people to be safe during the shoot.

Brother and sister sit on the tree
Brother and sister sit on the tree

So many layers to this photograph. The family with the old wagon wheels, the autumn leaves on the trees behind them, and then the mountains behind them… I love Utah for the cool landscapes.

Family portraits on a farm in autumn
Family portraits on a farm in autumn

It’s important to provide vertical and horizontal photographs. They give a different feel, but they also fill a wall differently. On a phone, a vertical fills the screen, on a desktop computer the wider photograph looks better.

You never know when little kids are going to smile or even look at the camera. The more people, the more head swapping we have to do. And even then, we might have someone looking elsewhere. I prefer a smile in the wrong direction to an empty expression at the camera.

Family portraits at Wheeler Farm
Family portraits at Wheeler Farm

These are some of my favorite photos because of the amazing light that is helping create the look to these portraits. The sun is starting to set and we have long shadows. I did have to remove some people in the background. We were patiently waiting, but they just weren’t moving. So the secret is to take a bunch of photos and then hide the people in the background.

Not all heroes wear capes.

Check out an engagement shoot at Wheeler Farm I shot a few years ago in Spring.

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