Graham has worked as a personal trainer, yoga instructor, and I believe a masseuse. He was starting to work in the male modeling industry and wanted some portraits to use…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
Sometimes you just want to practice photography and lighting. I have photographed Zeb before in studio and on the west side of SLC he has been a fun model to…
The Utah AIDS Foundation brought me in to photograph Eric. They needed a muscle hunk with a great physique to be “Mr Gentleman” for one of their STD awareness campaigns.…
This photo shoot was a lot of fun from beginning to end. We sat down a few weeks before hand to come up with some ideas for a photo shoot…
Kristin wanted to build her modeling portfolio. This meant creating as many different looks and locations as possible in about 2 hours. We started in studio photographing some fitness photos…
This was a fun photo shoot with Kristen. We decided to go to several different locations, have several wardrobe changes, and she brought along a friend who was a stylist…
Being a photographer in Salt Lake City has advantages and disadvantages. Most actors and models live in LA or NY but a number are local to SLC. One advantage is…
March in Utah can be wintery or summery… often in the same day! I was out in California in the Newport Beach area to photograph Lisa and Noah’s wedding! They…
Hooray for California! I live in Utah where we have 4 seasons… California has 2 seasons: perfect and almost perfect. I was the wedding photographer for Lisa and Noah. They…
I’ve dabbled photographing food but usually it has been at events that have some catering and the food is going to be consumed quickly by the event’s attendees. So this…