I worked with a hair stylist who was entering a hair competition. He needed an 8×10″ print to send in for the competition. He wanted to recreate the cover of…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
For the past year I have had the opportunity to be the official photographer for the Salt Lake Acting Company. They specialize in unconventional and highly charged plays and productions.…
Samantha’s International Peace Garden Photo Shoot on Film
Samantha is a good friend of mine, so when I wanted to try out some new film in my Mamiya 645AF camera she was more than willing to be my…
Spring is quickly approaching. I’ve got my camera with me all the time so I can go on quick photowalks when the opportunity arises. These are some flower photographs I…
You’re about to see the first portraits I’ve created with a film camera. For years I have been strictly a digital photographer. Digital is relatively cheap, quick, and easy. However,…
The Chowen family has roots in Bountiful, Utah. Like many families they started to spread out across the country, some as far as Hawaii. They were fortunate in summer of…
In less than a month there will be thousands of people visiting Spanish Fork, Utah. The Holi Festival is celebrated at the Sri Sri Radha Krsna Temple towards the end…
In June of 2012 I went out to Seattle to visit my photographer friend, Nicolesy. The first night I was there we headed to Kerry Park to photograph the Seattle…
If you haven’t noticed, I am redesigning my website from scratch. I had lost momentum in blogging regularly, some of the old images were small, I’ve decided to remove watermarks…
Lots of Food Photography for Le Croissant Catering
Get ready for a long blog post with lots of food photos. I get to play the roll of catering and food photographer for Le Croissant Catering. We were at…