It’s a good idea to take your camera with you everywhere you go. I try to keep a camera with me, or at least in the car where I can…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
When we first talked about family portraits for the Lauritzen clan the thought was to go to the Bonneville Salt Flats, it is a cool location. However, they decided the…
Ok, this is going to be another huge mega post of photography goodliness. This is a favorite photo shoot with Sahil before he moved to New York City for the…
I have been photographing the Walk for Life fundraiser for the past few years. It is a beautiful time of the year. Summer and autumn are battling each other and…
Apparently my dad has always been a fan of sailing and sailboats. I learned this after I had moved out of the house and he started to collect small sailboats.…
The Salt Lake Acting company produced Click Clack Moo, a play based on the book Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type. I photographed the production photographs right after the crew…
Just so you know, the following couple isn’t dating. They’re just friends and they are models who are willing to get creative. Anyone who wants some engagement photography like this…
I don’t know if this is true for every photographer, but I am the official family photographer. My sister and her 4 kids love this fact! Heck, I even photographed…
The studio that I use down in Draper recently had a major overhaul. They expanded and they now have 2 rooms for photography. Woo hoo! To celebrate they have changed…
Holy Cow, I could have spent all day photographing cars and car details at Prestman Auto. The assignment was to photograph the sales staff and the dealership itself. And they…