For the last few years I have earned my title as event photographer. That is not all I do, but it is one way that I can get my name…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
Hopefully I can convince the world, and myself that family photographs can be taken anywhere and look amazing. Although, it really helps to have a killer location with killer light.…
Baby Alex has been a trooper. He has faced a number of health hurdles so far. He has seen the doctor and hospital way too much for such a young…
When I don’t have something ready for blogging I’m going to dig into the archives and share an old favorite photo. Many people might not know that I played water…
Renting Camera Gear is a Good Idea, Just Beware During a Paid Gig
Yep, I’m going to blog some snapshots of relatives. Why? I rented a lens on Friday and I want to get the most bang for my buck! The lens I…
Does a photographer’s camera really matter? I doubt anyone asked Edgar Allen Poe what pen he used to write his short stories. Rarely would people ask Mozart what piano was…
In Utah there may not be a more photographed building than the Salt Lake Temple. It took 40 years to build and was dedicated in 1893. In sits at the…
Well, when I haven’t prepared a proper blog post I have some random photographs to blog about. Just to help keep me in the blogging habit. Stupid habits. Unlike all…
Hooray, I had the chance to combine pet photography and product photography. They say in Hollywood to never work with children and pets. Well, I don’t live in Hollywood, and…
I never know who or what I will be photographing from week to week. This week I had the opportunity to photograph the scientists for my day job. The photos…