I was hired as a food photographer for a local food blogger based in Provo. Usually her husband, who is a photographer, will photograph her creations for the blog. However,…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
It isn’t often that you get a request for a large group photograph. I was hired to photograph the participants of a marketing summit for a company in Provo. There…
I’ve almost lost track of how many Toyota Land Cruisers that I have photographed… this is the first beige vehicle though. These cars are cult classics and Luis has rebuilt…
I was hired as an event photographer for a recent funeral themed birthday party and roast that was hosted at an actual funeral parlor. I set up a photo booth…
I was in the stands for the BYU vs Cal Varsity Cup. It is the national championship for Rugby and BYU has won 4 years straight, woo hoo! I brought…
Utah Celebrates Supreme Court’s Marriage Equality Ruling
Proponents of gay marriage gathered in the same park, City Creek Park, where a protest rally gathered 7 years ago after Prop 8 passed in California. Back then, in November,…
I’ve been photographing little Levi once a month since he was born. We are documenting his growth as little boy. Up till now we have photographed at or around his…
This is more of a photo of the day blog post… gotta keep my blogging motivation going forward. So this is Ciprian the blue and white beta fish. I usually…
I was hired to create corporate style headshots and team photos for the people behind Image Studios. Image Studios rents space to a variety of business people such as stylists,…
During March Madness the Utah Jazz Dunk Team was invited to perform for my day job. The first week of NCAA March Madness sees a lot of employees nationwide slacking…