Utah has a rich and striking landscape. We live along the Wasatch front with mountains to the east which are decorated with canyons that are perfect for hiking, skiing, and…
dav.d is a portrait photographer but dabbles in food photography and wedding photography. Photography is his second job and full time love/hobby. He almost always has a camera with him.
I was at work one day when I get a frantic phone call. A bride and groom were at the Provo City Center Temple, ready to make their exit, and…
I used one ginormous light for this baby photo shoot. James was a few months old when we shot him. It’s best to get the baby photographed in the first…
The weather almost didn’t cooperate. It was a bit rainy when we arrived. But as soon as we started hiking the trails near Snowbasin, Utah the rain broke and we…
Occasionally I have been asked to photograph paintings. Sometimes people from across the country wanted to ship a painting to Utah for me to photograph them. I haven’t had experience…
Photographing Tan France for QSalt Lake Magazine
What a fun photo shoot! I got the call from QSalt Lake Magazine in SLC. They are a local LGBTQ+ magazine in the northern Utah area. I’ve had a number…
It’s nice to have an in house photographer at work and I’m that photographer at Nu Skin. We had this photograph created elsewhere and there was a late request to…
The Salt Lake Acting Company is not one to shy away from controversial topics with their plays. They like to seek out thoughtful and provocative plays. HIR is a play…
I photograph a lot of event photography. And much of the event photograph are LGBTQ+ events here in Utah. The good people at Encircle held their first Ignite Conference at…
Why haven’t I been blogging? Well, a lot of excuses and one of them is I’m trying to learn to shoot and edit video. In the future, when people ask…