I had to share a portrait of Sarah and then the behind the scenes photograph of where we were when we shot the photo. We could imagine this was a garden full of flowers or a fancy mountain with blooming florals.
Well, you would be wrong. It was the parking lot of Orem High School.
How did I get this photograph? I used a long camera lens to compress the field of view. I had the camera down on the ground to get the flowers in the foreground. I had trees off in the distance. Of course, I had my trusty lighting setup because it makes people look amazing without Photoshop.
So what have we learned? We can’t trust photography. But we’ve known that for more than a hundred years. All it takes is a change in perspective.
It also shows we can create amazing portraits almost everywhere. But right now the leaves are changing. Autumn is almost here but the color is ready for portraits for singles or for families.